

Monthly Archives: July 2013

Thinking of Getting A Divorce? Better Think About the Kids First

The first time I read Barbara Dafoe Whitehead’s article, “Dan Quayle Was Right,” published in 1993 in the Atlantic (, I knew my husband and I weren’t too far off track. We had four kids and were still married.

Whitehead’s article surely ruffled a lot of feminist feathers.  As distasteful as it was for some to read, she did her homework. “Divorce and out-of-wedlock childbirth are Continue reading

George Zimmerman: The Threat from Trayvon Martin Was All in His Head

The summer night my brother and I walked home from a PBA dance at the high school was the closest I ever came to being picked up by the cops. When the dance ended, we started down the road. On the way, we saw Mrs. Mason,* the principal’s secretary, burst out the front door of her friend Ruth Glazer’s** house. Mrs. Mason hurried down the walk, waving her Continue reading

Holy Soda Pop and Firecrackers! It’s the Fourth of July!!

My kids didn’t grow up with extended family. And so they never experienced big Fourth of July picnics: baked beans and coleslaw and tubs of potato salad swarming with salmonella bacteria; coconut cake and burned-to-a-crisp burgers weighing down makeshift saw horse tables set up the night before under leafy oaks and maples. And they didn’t know about huge galvanized metal tubs with bottles of every kind of soda bobbing up Continue reading